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Le blog de Sarah Parkar - Page 20

  • Le confort d'une maison en zone urbaine

    Vivre en ville a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. La proximité des transports en commun, des écoles et commerces permet un gain de temps certain. Les occupations, les activités et loisirs permettent de se distraire à toute heure du jour et de la nuit. Pourtant, la pollution, les embouteillages, le bruit sont des nuisances que bien des citadins aimeraient quitter. Vivre en zone péri-urbaine peut alors être la solution ultime.

    Les zones péri-urbaines et leurs atouts

    En 2011, plus de 165 hectares de campagne auraient été transformés chaque jour en zone péri-urbaine. Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux ou Marseille verraient 25% de leurs actifs migrer vers ces zones entre ville et campagne. Globalement, la moitié des urbains vit en zone péri-urbaine.

    Les raisons évoquées pour cet engouement sont principalement une bonne qualité de vie, une sécurité accrue, une tranquillité bénéfique pour se reposer et se ressourcer. L'amélioration des voies de communication et la création de zones commerciales ont permis le développement de cités hautement équipées proches de la nature.

    Autre raison fondamentale expliquant le choix des citadins : la location de maison en zone péri-urbaine est souvent moins élevée qu'en centre-ville. Les locataires bénéficient parfois pour le même prix d'une superficie plus grande, d'un jardin, d'une terrasse et d'autres aménagements améliorant le cadre de vie. La taxe d'habitation est également moins chère même si l'écart tend à se resserrer.

    Holiday house

    Par ailleurs, la location de maison individuelle revêt un caractère provisoire. Le locataire peut déménager à tout moment et sans contrainte si les taxes et charges augmentent fortement.

    Les catégories de location de maison en zone urbaine

    Actuellement, les mesures politiques favorisent l'habitat locatif là où la demande est la plus forte. Grâce à la loi Duflot, le locataire au revenu modeste peut avoir accès à une maison au loyer modéré. L'architecture est typique de la région ou novatrice. L'ancien se caractérise par la pierre, l'ardoise, la tuile rouge ou la lauze. Le neuf est représenté par le bois, les tuiles à base de matériaux recyclés et les lignes épurées.

    L'offre de location de maison individuelle transite généralement dans les bureaux d'une agence immobilière locale. Villa, maison de maître, fermette, propriété avec terres agricoles et dépendances, etc. sont présentées sous leurs meilleurs atours sur les sites spécialisés et sur les vitrines des agences de quartier. Les maisons neuves louées en ville sont souvent confortables, bien isolées thermiquement, équipées de matériel moderne et décorées avec goût. Elles présentent des attraits non négligeables. Les maisons BBC aux nouvelles normes écologiques et économiques représentent une part de plus en plus importante de l'offre de location de maison.

    Globalement, les maisons en location sont soumises à des règles strictes. Le propriétaire doit réaliser les travaux nécessaires à la décence de l'habitation sous peine de poursuites. Les maisons anciennes subissent divers diagnostics pour garantir la sécurité des occupants. La loi Carrez oblige à donner la surface exacte de chaque pièce habitable... Le locataire bénéficie de droits bien plus que d'obligations.

  • Les courtiers en or : des experts indispensables

    Who wants to achieve a purchase gold Toulouse must know that gold be bought or sold as an ordinary commodity. It is a precious metal whose value have granted all cultures since ancient times. He has served and still serves to make jewelry and art objects, but also utilitarian items, technical, electronic, requiring its malleability and indestructibility. He was charged in coins from the seventh century BC. AD and has played this role in the West until 1973. Its various functions led goldsmiths practicing various alloys depending on the color or hardness they wanted to get. Thus do we find alloyed with silver to copper to palladium to iron in indium and other metals yet.


    Thus, it is essential to assess the proportions of different metals in gold that is sold or buying to determine the price. Of the artifacts, the titration is indicated by a punch. The 18 carat gold used most often in the French jewelry is gold or 750, containing three quarters of pure gold . But buying gold in Toulouse can be linked to the'' Spain, Greece and the United States that routinely sell gold 14 carats, or 585 gold contains only 7/12 gold pure. There are other assays more or less important depending on the origin of the objects, and know with certainty all the punches can not be invented.

    Entrer des mots clefs

    This is where it proves necessary to use a broker to purchase all gold Toulouse or elsewhere. A broker can recognize titrations and knows the price movements of gold. He knows advise his client to buy when the price is low to sell when the price is rising. A broker is also competent in banking law and international business law, as it has to make sure his client reliability of the transaction that takes place in France or abroad. With globalization the best deals often deal beyond the boundaries of a single nation.


    The gold content in as an object is not the sole criterion of price. Indeed, it may include ingots, scrap jewelry, dental gold or gold was recovered in the electronic circuits or mechanisms for watches. But it can also be loaded objects of historic or artistic added value: jewelry, crockery, coins, decorative items (frames, statuettes) or refined everyday objects like a thimble , a rain stick, a lighter, a money clip ... For this kind of gold to buy Toulouse, only an expert can tell how much work, rarity or possibly the signature, must be taken into account. Jewelery fashioned often worth their weight.


    For buying gold in Toulouse, there are certified and experts capable of disentangling for their client while this imbroglio hardly noticeable by a layman information. Knowledge of a product does not just happen, it takes years of training and experience. Broker or allows the customer a serene transaction made ​​at the right price in a sensitive area and ensures compliance with the regulations.

  • Agent immobilier : les ficelles du métier

    A real estate agent is self-employed, a franchise owner or an employee. Its role as an intermediary and a transparent and objective advisor. It carries on a specific geographic area that learns in every corner. His skills allow him to guide buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants throughout their project, but also to position itself as a trustee of external ownership.

    Transactions mandated

    The real estate agent holds the business card given by the prefecture of the department concerned or agent acting for a client orders and paid by fees previously negotiated principal.

    It is committed to follow each case to a successful conclusion, that is to say, until the signing of the sales contract at the notary or until the signing of the lease. It assesses the property correctly, advises on different diagnoses to be made and if necessary negotiate the terms of purchase or sale. Its mission is also to draft standards documents such as the mandate and offer to simulate financing transactions or operations in life.

    Real estate agent puts its knowledge of the sector and the real estate market to serve its customers. Goods entrusted for sale are valued in various media and well-structured tools: newspapers, magazines, media, posters in the window, etc.. Visits are an opportunity to discover the good in every detail, to get an idea about the different loads to predict, analyze quotes made by artisans to renovate or expand the property. The real estate agent showed an absolute neutrality not favor neither the owner nor the potential purchaser or prospective tenant.


    The role of co-ownership

    The trustee implements all decisions taken by the condominium. It operates the condo and defends the interests of the occupants of the building. His responsibilities are great.

    The real estate agent, appointed as trustee, supports the maintenance of the building, its equipment and more particularly public areas. He asks if necessary quotes and actually performing the work by certified craftsmen. He generally manages the staff and providers. Regarded as an outstanding financial, it provides account management and develops budget estimates submitted to the vote of the condominium corporation. It recovers charges and establish all administrative declarations. It regulates every detail of the General Assembly and prepares a full attention of owners report. Considered an expert in legal right, he was entrusted with the claims files and court proceedings regarding public areas.

    The trustee is a wise counselor who helps owners make decisions rational and save on current and recurring expenses for cost control is a major concern in times of crisis. To become an expert in condominium, real estate agents must follow several years of studies in law, economics or a special school as Efab.